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Life is too short to have a bad day

Date of birth:

9th June 1998

Results highlights:

World Championships: 8th C2 500 Halifax 2022, 9th C2 500 & 6th C4 500 Copenhagen 2021

U23 World Championships: 3rd C2 200 & 5th C2 500 Montemor 2021, 6th C2 500 & 9th C1 200 Pitesti 2019

European Championships: 5th C2 500 & 7th C1 200 Munich 2022, 8th C1 200 & 9th C2 500 Poznan 2021

Who is/was your canoeing idol?

When I was younger, I really looked up to Laurence Vincent Lapointe, as she was the leader of the category. Now I’m inspired by all the strong and fast female athletes in my sport.

What’s your favorite distance and training?

My favorite distance is 200m, and favorite type of training is sprint sessions.

Favorite paddle and boat?

I paddle with a Plastex Fighter Rio 200m size M, and a braca paddle superfat 22/21

Do you have a motivation song?

Bassline Junkie by Dizzee Rascal

No easy way out by Robert Tepper

Could you give any advice for beginners?

Be patient, enjoy yourself, and give your best every day

Apart from physical training, do you have mental training scheduled in your routine?

Yes! I work with a mental coach monthly, he helps me manage pressure and stress during competition, and we also work on the daily little goals that are going to help me achieve bigger goals. I would say the last big thing we work on is getting the best out of every situation.

How do you manage to keep calm before and during a competition?

I try to smile a lot, and apprehend racing as a challenge and a game. I’m at my best when I don’t put too much pressure on myself. To be honest, I have to improve my performances under pressure. I also listen a lot of music, and I stay a lot in my own little bubble before racing.

What is a normal day like as a professional paddler?

In my most common day I have 3 training sessions. When I’m at home, I usually wake up at 7:30 and have my first training session at 8:30. It can be a paddle or a weight session, depending on the day and the program. Then I rest a little bit, and I train a second time around 11am. It can be a weight session if I paddled before, or a second paddle. Then I come back home, I have a good lunch and I take a little nap. Before the last training session, I try to work on my studies, and around 4pm I go training again, for a run, another paddle, a swimming session, or a weight session depending on what I did in the morning. After my training day I try to stretch a bit, I eat good food and have a great night of sleep for the next day.

What are your hobbies apart from sport? What other activities are part from your routine?

I’m a 4th year law student. It takes me quite some time to work to have my degree apart from training. Currently I also try to learn how to play guitar

Is there a place you enjoy the most training? Why? And for competition?

My favorite place to train is in Florida, Indian Harbor beach. I’ve been there for a lot of training camps, I love the atmosphere and the lifestyle there. Also, because there are lot of friends who train at that spot, it’s well known by the Canadian and the German team.

Is there and athlete you enjoy the most training with?

I love training with the whole Canadian team. The level and the quality of the women canoe team is insane, I had the chance to train with them several times in the past years (not since covid crisis though) and I loved it. There are a few athletes I really get along with in the team.

Also, in France I love to train with Nelia Barbosa, she’s a KL3 paracanoe athlete, silver medalist at the Tokyo 2020 paralympic games. We have quite the same speed, and I love to train with her on training camps, as it’s a really healthy confrontation. We try to push ourselves to the maximum, and help each other I case of a mental breakdown.

What are your expectations for this Olympic cycle knowing they will be held at your “home”? Do you feel extra pressure for that?

I wouldn’t say its extra pressure, but I really don’t want to miss the chance to race in front of my home crowd. I put all the efforts I can every day to reach my goals for that Olympic cycle, it’s an extra motivation that it’s at home. I want to be at my best, and I want to be able to be among the fastest athletes in Paris 2024.

What are your objectives for this season?

The biggest goal is to qualify the C2 500m for France for this Olympics. I also would like to win my first international medal at a senior level this year.

We’ve seen many times photos of you with other top names of this sport such as Nevin Harrison, Maria Mailliard, Antia Jacome… both in and out of the water. What’s your relation like, in and out of the water?

I had the chance to travel a lot, and I trained with these girls and others, like Sophia Jensen, on many occasions. All of these girls are real inspirations for me, and I love to train with them and get to experience how they train and there training places. Out of the water we are friends, and I love to party with them after the races!

Thank you Eugénie and good luck in this season!